DR - Free drum machine for Windows

Hello, I (Fred Bolder) have made this drum machine for my Greek rhythm studies, since in most existing drum machines several time signatures that are used in Greek music are not available.

If you buy my e-book Greek Dance Rhythms for Drums - Basics and Beyond, you can request more than 1035 drum patterns from that book for personal use. If the drum machine works on your Windows computer, you can play the drum patterns which makes it much easier to study.

Here is what makes this drum machine different than most other drum machines.

Here are the instructions to download the drum machine.

If the Microsoft .NET Framework Runtime is not yet installed on your Windows computer, you need to download and install it.

The drum machine uses the Microsoft XNA Framework which you need to download and install.

Download and install DR

Send an e-mail to fgh.bolder@gmail.com for questions.

Take also a look at my drum software frEDrums for Windows.